
With 8 faculty members and more than 100 graduate students, the security team at UNC Charlotte conducts state-of-the-art research in system, network, application, and usable security and privacy. The research efforts and achievements serve people locally and globally. Our research is funded by both federal and state agencies and industrial partners.


  • Cyber-physical Systems Security
  • Software and Systems Security
  • Usable Security and Privacy
  • Security and Configuration Analytics
  • Data provenance
  • Cryptography
  • Network Security 

CyberDNA: The Cyber Defense & Network Assurability Center was established to be a national frontier center in cyber security & resiliency research and education. The vision of CyberDNA is to assure secure, robust, and resilient cyber and cyber-physical systems for smart open society, by enabling provable, measurable, automated, and active cyber defense. The CyberDNA Center includes strong multi-disciplinary expertise to address cyber security and privacy challenges of high societal-impact.

CCAA: The Center for Cybersecurity Automation and Analytics was established in 2013 as a multi-University National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research (I/UCRC) center. The mission is to build the critical mass of inter-disciplinary academic researchers and industry partners for advancing the science and state-of-the-arts of security analytics and automation by developing and integrating innovative sense-making and decision-making for automated adaptive cyber defense that offers minimal human involvement and with provable and measurable security and resiliency properties.  CCAA is led by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) in partnership with George Mason University (GMU), Colorado State University (CSU), and a broad membership of industry and government organizations.


Interested in pursuing a research or teaching career in cybersecurity? We are currently accepting applications for a GAANN fellowship for Ph.D. students for Fall 2018.

We are still accepting applications for our summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates research program involving many of our cybersecurity faculty – Making Future Communities: Infrastructure and Interaction Design for CyberPhysical Systems.